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Thursday, February 26, 20097:36 PM

will everything be alright?be back to normal?what should you do?i hope you can forget her and be with me of course..but i know is hard for you..but will you try very hard for my sack..i not sure whether she still thinking about you not..but i just hope you can be my side..i cant loss you..i feel terribly hurt..just thinking that i will loss you i will cry out..you promise wont leave me..you say you love me..but now you say that i am hurt.can you understand how i feel.i tried to sleep last night..but i cant...i tried to hide my tears today..i cant..i just burst into tears..everything is weird..i dont want you to leave me..i need you terribly..really..i know i didnt treasure you in the past..i am stupid not to treasure you in the past..but i want to treasure you now..can you just do the same treasure me..and dont leave me if sat your decision is to leave me.hope you dont have the thinking of leaving me.

i seriously love you.
i want to spent my life
with you.
can you dont decide that
leaving me is the choice.
i dont want..i also dont wish
you to leave me.


Saturday, February 21, 20093:11 PM

1 week 7 days its very short..1 day 24 hours..it seems like there are many hours for you to spent but it is not so..24 hours are pretty short..there nth much you can do..but however..i spend most of my 1 day 24 hours sleeping.studying.watching tv if i have the mood.if dont have the mood i will just spend my time aimlessly..but however..this week.2 days alreadx..i spend my precious time getting sad over nothing big..but i just cant stand the way..my heart is fragile..unable to withstand the hurt..tears that dropped make me tired..all i wish now is i sleep..dont ever wake up to face this pressure world..its too tiring..i have learn my mistakes..endure it..monday and saturday is not the suitable day maybe..i know my girlfriends is concern about me..but i cant control my emotion.it sux alright..how to solve it?can left it unsolve?too tired already..i love you too deeply that why..maybe like what others people like to say..first 2 months..you will recieve the love he/she gave..next 2 months..slowly it will be lesser..next few months onwards..maybe you cant even able to recieve it..dont get things too granted..its meaningless..i have take everything for granted..even his love..i am too stupid..seriously..but its useless to say all this now..i had addicted to his love..his care..and even him..will it like the first 2 months forever..dont feel a single sadness..dont have any tears drop..hopefully..


Friday, February 20, 20098:51 PM

its going to a week since i last post.haha..many things happen in a week...happy thing..weird feeling thing..and even feel stressed up..feling more stressed up weeks after weeks..got our verification letter for the subjects for o level and the amount of payments...exam for mt start at june..very fast gonna arrived..soon all the major paper will arrive as well..feel so tense up la..somemore most of the chapter although my tuition had cover it..but i dont think i can cope in o level standard..cause of the english lo...i feel like breaking down la.why will so stressed up de??but luckily got boy pei me go thru this year..if not i definitely now alreadx gone crazy dont need to wait any longer..boy now having meeting..waiting for his meeting over to sms me..currently my head is like bursting..feel my head so heavy..haix..okay la..shall stop here..gonna study for a math test tml..while watching tv and wait for boy's meeting finish..

10 more days..
7months (:
its a long way.
but there are
more to go..
hopefully everything
will be alright.


Saturday, February 14, 20096:24 PM

yoyoyo..its 14 feb and it is VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!
and not forget MY BELOVED BOYFRIEND!!
bought all my girlfriends and guys classmate lollipop...wahaha..
and also..all different love letter for GIRLFRIENDS....wahaha..
5/1 a math student really enjoy ourselves..our first valentine's day together..
somemore with our MISS LEOW!!
can see she is touch by our love for her..haha :D
bought boyfriend something also..he must use it..haha..
but hope he like lo..find for very long..haha..finally..
just back from causeway..meet jesslyn go find boyfriend..haha..
spend 2 hours with with him and simon,jonathan,grasshopper,warren,yvonne,jia ming and one sir..then my mummy come le..so go meet her le lo..
that my valentine's day..haha..okay la..shall stop here..bye..
hope my GIRLFRIENDS enjoy their own VALENTINE'S DAY happily..espically JUE QI..dont quarrel le..haha..cause..its V day.


Saturday, February 7, 20097:44 PM

her i am posting with a clear mind..haha..today is a day that i super dont like..many things happen..i cry make me feel much better..thanks qi and sylvia..they try to cheer me up..thanks alot..boy..sorry that i make you feel sad cause you see me sad like that..i should not be like that..so sorry..next time i wont like that le..really..but i know you try very hard to make me not sad..but after that see you i more sad..want cry..but dont dare to cry infront of you..get back e and a math test paper le..e math still not bad..but a math is horrible..haha..but will work hard..okay la..shall stop here..got nth to post le..7 more days to V day..haha..hope that day will be a better sat then today.. :D

what about you.


Monday, February 2, 20095:20 PM

actually i dont know what to post..but i am really really very bored..nth to do..cause my mind just now in the right mood to study..to do a single thing..can just lie down do nth..watch tv..even very funny i also can smile out or laugh out..i am just not myself la.i dont like this feeling..really dont like..everything is not right for me..angry with myself for having such a mind set..feel like shouting..but cant do it.feel so horrible..only crying is the only solution..but i didnt..haix..okay la.i stop here le..going out to fetch my sister..

tmr is arriving..
should i look forward to it?
6 months is a long way.
feel happy..
but cant able to meet.
that what i dont know
whether to look forward to it.



Welcome to
This is my blog, so yeah.
If you hate me, SCRAM.
Respect me, & I'll respect you.


Name:Fiona Chin :D
Attached/ Single :D
Age:16 :D
DateOfBirth:15 April School:christchurchsecondaryschool :D
With love, ♥


craves :P
extend hair :]
reborn hair :O
lots of new clothes :D
♥Loves :P
my girlfiendssss!!
OBS girlfriends!!
my classmates :D
Hates :P
to say goodbyes to him.



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Basecodes: Bernesse :D
Picture: Photobucket, Createblog & Paint